Hummelstown Steel Plate Shoot Rules

Version 03.50
Safety First:    
Eye protection and Ear protection must be worn at all times on all the Steel Plate Ranges by all shooters and all spectators while firearms are being discharged during a Steel Plate Shoot

Firearm Handling
All firearms must be UNLOADED and safely bagged, boxed or properly holstered at all times.  Slides are to be closed and hammer/striker forward/decocked.  A firearm may be handled ONLY in the designated firearm handling area (aka “SAFE TABLE”).  NO AMMO may be handled on the Safe Table.  Firearms may NOT be loaded or unloaded while at the Safe table. 
A firearm may be handled at the firing line ONLY after a Safety Officer (S.O.) has cleared the range and instructed the shooter(s) to handle their firearm or “Make Ready”.  Only the current shooter(s) may handle a firearm at the firing line after the S.O.’s command.
Shooters may only have one (1) active firearm.  This means one (1) firearm readily available either in a holster or in a bag/box.  All other firearms are to be stowed away in an unloaded and safe condition.

Shoot Safety and Range Meeting  
All shooters must participate in the meeting immediately prior to the start of the shooting where the shoot, range and safety will be reviewed and questions answered.  Clearance area and distances – Only the current shooter(s) and S.O.s may be at the firing line, all other shooters and spectators must remain behind the firing line in the stage designated safe area.  
Firearms and ammunition must be in safe operating condition. An S.O. at his/her discretion may disqualify any firearm or ammunition from the shoot if in an S.O.’s opinion it is unsafe.  Shooters using firearms and ammunition having 2 major malfunctions (ie squib loads) will be disqualified.
Any violation of safety rules or other shoot rules may result in disqualification and permanently being banned from HFS shoots.

Safety Disqualifications may include, but are not limited too:
        Having a loaded firearm outside of the shooting box, or handling or loading a firearm at the shooting position before instructed to “Make Ready”.
        Pointing firearm muzzle uprange (towards spectators), or at any person, or breaking the 180 degree (or other) frontal plane of the shooting box while in the box.
        Discharging a firearm when reloading with a finger inside the trigger housing.
        Firearm handling (loaded or unloaded) while any person is forward of the firing line, or when not a a “SAFE TABLE” or other club approved “SAFE FIREARM HANDLING AREA”.
        Handling ammunition while at club approved firearm handling area.
        Dropping or throwing a firearm, loaded or not, accidentally or intentionally.
        Accidental discharge, where a shot strikes the ground 10 feet or less from the shooting box, or is fired in an unsafe direction (Note: A premature discharge, where the firearm fires before the shooter expects it to but towards the general direction of a target, will not be considered unsafe firearm handling, but will elicit a caution from an S.O. who may disqualify the shooter if it reoccurs.
        Failure to obey S.O. commands regarding safety, sportsmanship, or rules.
        Failure to wear both eye and ear protection at stage/relay while firing is in progress.
        Shooters using firearm/ammunition having 2 major squib loads.

All ammunition must be center fire and single projectile. Calibers between .355 & .452 are allowed (primarily 9mm, 38 Special, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 45 ACP).  Lead or Copper Jacketed bullets are allowed.   Steel jacketed, steel core, & magnum loads are forbidden.  You may use a magnum firearm but not magnum loads, for example you may use 38 Special in a 357 Mag revolver.  NO NECKED Pistol Cartridges are permitted, such as .357SIG, FN 5.7 and others.  The maximum velocity of any projectile is 1300 fps.  Any shooter found to be using improper ammunition will be disqualified.

Firing Line Commands and Course of Fire:
For all courses of fire shooters have a maximum limit of 10 rounds per magazine.  Regardless of their capacity, no magazine may be loaded with more than 10 rounds.  All starts will be with a firearm loaded with NO MORE THAN 10 rounds. 
When called, the shooter is to approach the shooting box/firing line with their firearm safely holstered or bagged/boxed and unloaded.  Firearms worn in a holster must be completely unloaded with action closed with hammer/striker forward and NO MAGAZINE inserted.  Firearms boxed/bagged must be completely unloaded with NO MAGAZINE inserted & must have the action closed with hammer/striker forward OR the action open AND an Empty Chamber indicator inserted.  Shooters may not handle their firearm until an S.O. clears them to do so. 
After a check down range by everyone, the S.O. on the firing line will ask, “Range Safe/Clear?” all other S.O.s are to announce if it is not.  The S.O. on the firing line will ask “Shooter - do you understand the course of fire?” Once confirmed the S.O. on the firing line will command Going Hot.  Shooter - Make ready.”  Only after this command may the shooter handle their firearm, their preparation may include dry firing, etc and then load - at that point the shooter is to assume the start position.
All shooting starts from the position of Low Ready - firearm in hand(s), with muzzle/forward end of the firearm touching table.  Safety may be engaged at the shooter’s discretion, fingers must be outside of the trigger guard.  Once the shooter is in position, the S.O. on the firing line will ask; “Is the Shooter Ready?” The shooter will state “Yes” and nod if they are ready (if the shooter is “not ready” they must state so loudly and clearly). The S.O. will announce “Standby” followed shortly by the start BUZZER of the shot timer which is the signal to engage targets. The Shooter must now engage the targets in any order they desire.
The shooter must knock down all steel targets.  A relay may be repeated if, in the opinion of an S.O. there is a timer malfunction, targets were not properly restored to designated position prior to the start or targets fail during the shooter’s turn, the shooter is interfered with, or other valid reason(s).  In such cases, an S.O. will take appropriate action, including any corrections to score sheets.
If a jam occurs the shooter must be able to safely clear the jam and complete the stage/relay. The timer will not be stopped or restarted for jams. If a firearm malfunction can not be safely cleared then the stage/relay will be ended and the relay will be disqualified or given maximum score.
After the relay is complete the S.O. may ask “Is the Shooter finished?” to confirm if the shooter is.  The S.O. on the firing line will command “Shooter - Unload & show clear.”  at which time the shooter must remove the magazine or open the cylinder and remove all ammunition from the firearm. The shooter must show the empty chamber or cylinder to the S.O.  An S.O. will give the command to bag or holster the firearm once they agree it is clear. Once bagged or holstered and the shooter believes it is safe, the S.O. on the firing line will state “Range is clear.” After that and any/all S.O. agree, they reset the range.

Range Assistance:
All shooters will take turns resetting/maintaining targets in order to keep the flow moving quickly between shooters.  Brass pick-up may be permitted but only if time allows after reset & it does not interfere with safety or shooting.

Damaged Target:
If a target is damaged and deemed not useable by a S.O. and there is a replacement available the replacement will be used. The replacement does not have to be an exact replacement of the original target but it should be placed in approximately the same location as the original target as long as it is deemed safe for that type of target. If a replacement is not available then the shoot will continue without the replacement target and any shooter shooting the course with the one less target will have 1 second added to their score. Alternatively, at the discretion of an S.O. a1 second can be subtracted from the time of any shooter who completed the stage with the original extra target instead.

Rule Changes:
These Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Rule Changes will be made by HFS when deemed necessary for safety, fairness or for any other reason.