Friday, May 1, 2015

Htown Website

Shooters most of what you want will be posted here:

I have to admit, that it is time consuming to keep up with all the platforms, so I have focused my efforts on keeping the official Hummelstown Field & Stream website up to date.  On the main page, you can click on the "Sports" link at the top and the info for both Pistol sports - Steel & Bullseye (indoor) will be kept up to date as a priority.  I may update this site when time permits.  But if you are looking for one place to go then the best site to bookmark is:

Thanks, Steve

Monday, March 23, 2015

Join our Steel Crew

Do you have what it takes to be a "Man of Steel"?  Or a true "Iron Man"? (You know, if Fe=Iron & Male=Man, therefore a real female is an Iron Man)  We can always use more help with these steel matches & not just on match day.  Our crew meets to work, plan the matches and sometimes we just practice and have fun.  If you have the time and the gumption, we'd love to have you join us.  If you are interested, send an email to: with "STEEL CREW" in the subject & we'll put you on the email list to let you know when we are planning to get together.  Then just show up whenever you can.  That's all it takes, really.

Support Htown Pistol

We would like to move forward with the development of a new set of SIX (6) ranges to shoot our monthly matches.  In order to do this, we need support from YOU.  The pistol committee will be giving a presentation on the project and our goals at the next monthly club meeting.  This will be on MONDAY APRIL 13, 2014 at 7pm at the Hummelstown Field & Stream clubhouse and we'd love to see you there.  In fact, now that we have a turning target system for our indoor range, we are also working toward holding our indoor WPPL Matches there next season.  So even if you can't help with any of the work itself, just coming out to the monthly HF&S meetings to show your support is a form of helping. 

2015 Steel Shoot Notes & Info

After our first shoot on April 18, we plan to resume with our regularly scheduled monthly "Second Saturday Steel Shoot Series" on May 9th.  As long as we have enough assistance, these will be held monthly until through October 14.  Details, additional and LAST MINUTE information, and monthly registration links can now be found at the club's website under "steel shooting".  Or simply click on the link below.  There you will also links to the rules, safety guidelines and to our YouTube channel.

This year the cost of shooting is $15.  We will still run 2 relays and shooters who opt to shoot a second time, will only pay $10 for their second run of the day.  You will still face the "Plate Rack" on Stage #1, but we have added more targets this year and improved upon some of the old ones and we need to cover our costs if we are to continue offering these matches. 

A few changes this year are that any/all shooters sharing a firearm must work from a case or box, they may NOT work from a holster.  Also new this year, is there will be no reloading on a string of fire on the plate rack - all shooters will be limited to a 1 magazine on each string.  (You will still fire 3 strings.)

All shooters are reminded that we run a COLD RANGE.  There is NO FIREARMS HANDLING ALLOWED on the club grounds, except at one of the two (2) safety tables.  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Htown Steel Shoot - RESULTS from 11/8/14

Thanks to everyone who came out today.  The scores were posted at about noon today on Practiscore.  If you haven't seen them or couldn't find them, here is a direct link:

We won't have a Steel event until it warms up again (probably March 2015).  Look here for more info or if you don't get direct emails and you would like to, please send an email requesting to be added to the Steel email list:

And anyone with interest in indoor .22 Conventional Pistol, we have practice at Hummelstown Field and Stream Tuesday nights until April starting at 7pm and traveling matches every Wednesday night.  Please feel free to email me at the above address for more info.


Friday, October 31, 2014

Last one for 2014 - Steel Shoot on 11/8/14

On Saturday NOVEMBER 08, 2014 Hummelstown will host the LAST SHOOT of the year in our Second Saturday Steel Shoot Series.  Because of the reduced workforce we will have only 1 starting time.  There will be NO PREREGISTRATION online or by email or phone.  

Registration is first come, first serve and will OPEN at 9:00 am on Saturday 11/8/14 in the Hummelstown Field & Stream Clubhouse.  Registration will CLOSE PROMPTLY at 9:30, please plan to arrive in that 1/2 hour time frame.  Unless you are inclined to help with set-up, then please show up by 8:00 am the morning of the shoot to help and guarantee your space.

This shoot is designed for safe shooters and are not for complete novices or anyone we deem unsafe with a firearm.  But we are happy to accommodate NEW STEEL SHOOTERS who have enough handgun experience to safely handle, shoot and reload their firearm without assistance.  Also ALL shooters sharing a firearm must notify the registration table PRIOR to the shoot briefing to see if this can be accommodated.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Steel Shoot - October 11, 2014

The next shoot in Hummelstown’s Second Saturday Steel Shoot Series will be held on Saturday October 11, 2014 and again this month we will have 2 starting times; 9am and 11:30 am.  BUT PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL SHOOTERS MUST ARRIVE - AT LEAST 30 MINUTES PRIOR to each time-slot.  

Please note that we prefer that you register for our shoots online. This month we are again using the Practiscore site as it meshes well with the scoring program. Please use this system!  It saves time on the morning of the shoot and will get us all out on the ranges quicker and more efficiently. The hotlink for registration for the October shoot is in the right column.  Or you can copy this info to your browser:

Also these shoots are designed for safe shooters and are not for complete novices or anyone we deem unsafe with a firearm.  But we are happy to accommodate NEW STEEL SHOOTERS who have enough handgun experience to safely handle, shoot and reload their firearm without assistance.  Also ALL shooters sharing a firearm must notify the registration table PRIOR to the shoot briefing to see if this can be accommodated.